Wetland & Stream Delineations - Sunoco-Mariner East Pipeline Repair: PA
- Cutler Naval Facility Planning: ME
- Eastern Trail Connector: ME
- Robert LaFleur Municipal Aiport Expansion: ME
- Belfast Municipal Aiport Obstruction Removal: ME
- Tioga Natural Gas Expansion: NY and PA
- Confidential Wind Energy Project: ME
- Spruce Mountain Wind Energy Project: ME
- Old Orchard Beach Conservation Comission Tidal Assessment:
- TDI HVdc Transmission
Line Upgrade: NY
- Dominion
L-30/L-550 Pipeline Replacement: NY

Permitting & Environmental Planning - Old Orchard Beach town-wide wetland inventory, assessment, and mapping: ME
- Wildlife habitat improvement plans, Walsh Farm & Pemaquid Watershed Association: ME
- Intergrated natural resource managment plans: military installations in ME and GA.
- Environmental assessments and permitting, Robert LaFleur Municipal Airport & Belfast
Municipal Airport: ME
- Rare species survey and discovery plan,
utility line 111 rebuild: NY
- Migratory bird conservation plans,
Tioga natural gas expansion: NY and PA
- Environmental planning, Whispering
Pines development: ME
Environmental Inspections & Monitoring - Natural resource monitoring, Midcontinent Express pipleline (Phase I): AL, LA, MS
- Natural resource monitoring, Regency pipeline:
- Natural resource
monitoring, Midcontinent Express pipleline (Phase II): AL, LA, MS, OK, TX
- Environmental compliance FERC inspections, natural gas pipleline projects: Nationwide

Assessments of Species & Habitats - Long-term baseline avian surveys on US Naval installations: CT, ME, NJ and VA
- California gnatcatcher survey, US Marine Corps Facility: CA Rare flora surveys, Army National
Guard: ME Planning level flora and fauna surveys, Army National Guard: throughout ME
- Northern harrier and short-eared owl survey, utility line 111 rebuild: NY
- Whooping crane survey, confidential wind energy project: NE Vernal pool surveys, various
projects: ME