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  • Biological Surveys - Bird, Mammal, Reptile, and Amphibian
  • Wetland and Stream Delineations and Jurisdictional Determinations
  • Pre- and Post-Construction Environmental Compliance Inspections and Monitoring
  • Vernal Pool Surveys
  • Wetland Functions and Values Assessments
  • Vegetation Inventories and Botanical Studies
  • Impact Studies, Avoidance and Minimization Planning, and Alternative Analyses
  • Habitat Assessments, Mapping, and Field Verification
  • Mitigation and Restoration Planning, Site Selection, and Evaluation
  • Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys and Agency Consultation
  • Wildlife Habitat Management Planning
  • Environmental Permitting and Regulatory Assistance
  • Use of Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) and Evaluation of Planned Wetlands (EPW) Methods in Impact Assessments and Mitigation Planning


Spotted Salamander Egg Mass.jpg


Our services are based on professionalism and expertise, performed within expectations, and provided at a highly competitive rate. We value each and every client regardless of contract size and provide a response time and level of detail and attention that is unsurpassed.

Pro-bono opportunites will be considered for non-profit environmental groups.
